Mums know best and there’s nothing more comforting than chatting with like-minded mothers about our parenting wins and fails. That’s why the mum blog is still such a popular phenomenon. 

The best mum bloggers make us laugh and make us (good) cry. They offer practical advice on everything from nappies to name calling, and provide creative ideas to help us just about juggle it all. Here are ten of our favourites for you to enjoy.

The Gingerbread House

The Gingerbread House has tonnes of advice for all stages of motherhood
Image: The Gingerbread House

As much as I’m sad that the children need less toys, I’m happy to reclaim a bit more of my living room,” writes Jenny about adjusting her home (and head) to having tween-age children. Her blog, The Gingerbread House, has been charting milestones like these for the last 15 years. It’s followed her through engagement, marriage and motherhood - so there are anecdotes and advice for every stage of the parenting journey.

Jenny loves crafting so she regularly shares craft activities for kids (and some that are just for grownups). There’s also lots of practical advice on thriving as a family, including how to save money and protect your finances when you have kids, and finding the right childcare when you return to work.

The Mad House

Her kids may have grown but Jen and her family still live in The Mad House
Image: The Mad House

Being a parent is the hardest, but most rewarding job I have ever done and it doesn’t help that there is no job description or right way to parent,” writes Jen of The Mad House. This mum of two boys has been writing her blog for a decade, so you can imagine the treasure trove of mummy wisdom to be discovered on there.

Now that her boys are 13 and 14, her concerns have changed from dealing with a little one’s rage to topics like embracing free range parenting or transforming a kid’s bedroom into a teenage pad.

Mummy, Daddy, Me

Discover how kids can make simple things in life extraordinary
Image: Elena Efimova

Katie of Mummy, Daddy, Me writes beautifully on the poignancy of motherhood. Like when she asks herself what motherhood means to her, or wonders how you ever know if your family is complete: “I think for me, categorically saying ‘No we aren’t having any more’ feels very final and that’s what makes me emotional. Whereas if we just sort of adopt the ‘never say never’ approach then as time goes by and our children get older and more independent, the yearning might just go away…

This award-winning family and lifestyle blogger also loves interiors and renovating her modern home. There are some stunning home makeover posts including her beautiful monochrome bathroom and light-filled home extension.

Actually Mummy

Helen’s blog is all about parenting teenagers and getting a new zest for life
Image: Martin Novak

Helen is the “sometimes terrified” mum to two teenagers and the voice behind Actually Mummy. “Do you ever feel like once you’re past 50 you’re invisible? Far from being ‘past it,’ my life is going up a gear now that my children are more self-sufficient.” And you’ll agree that she’s certainly rediscovered her glam.

As well as advocating for mothers to be kinder to themselves, she’s your go-to for advice on anything to do with bringing up teenagers, including: teenagers and self image, advice around drug and knife crime, and why they need you more, not less, when they hit their teens.

Mudpie Fridays

Clare finds crafting with her kids helps her juggle career and family
Image: Mudpie Fridays

Clare loves her career and she loves being a mum. Her blog, Mudpie Fridays, is all about trying to combine the two. She shares many of the craft activities she does with her kids: “The majority of these can be replicated quickly and simply when time is short, or when you are juggling the pressures of everyday life and need a quick fix of sanity, or if you are a career mum like me you can still satisfy that urge to create.

She’s a huge advocate for free play. But also likes to have a planned activity or two up her sleeve. Check out her post on why making a back-to-school scrapbook is a great summer-holiday activity (clue: it helps reading, writing, creativity and conversation).

Love from Mummy

A mini-beast hunt can be used to teach things like science, maths, and data handling
Image: SirinartCJ

When Vikki started her blog back in 2012, she had a 4-month-old who was 10 weeks premature: “I was getting about 3-4 hours sleep a night and for some crazy reason, I decided I needed a blog.” Seven years on and Love from Mummy is still going strong.

With two primary school aged boys, her focus is now on looking after and entertaining primary-school aged children. Vikki’s got great ideas on how to get kids eating more healthily and travelling with young children. She’s also got an eye for interiors. Check out her post on designing an awesome kids’ playroom.

Everything Mummy

Blogger Amy and her three ‘crazy’ little ladies
Image: Everything Mummy

Being a parent is the most challenging, difficult yet rewarding journey I have ever been on. Each day is different, these girls have made me the person I am today, they taught me how to love and I am forever grateful to them for that,” writes Amy of Everything Mummy.

This Dorset mum works full time around co-parenting her three “crazy little ladies”. She’s queen of ‘the juggle’ - check out her six activities to keep everyone happy on rainy summer days. And she’s recently renovated her bathroom for under £100!

Mum in Brum

Find out how life changes after a second child
Image: Evgeny Atamanenko

When we found out we were having a second child we were of course overjoyed. Yet I was also a little apprehensive and at times, scared. Scared of adjusting to the sleepless nights again, scared of not being able to cope with two, and scared about not having as much time for Taylor, now it would no longer be just the two of us,” writes Natalie of Mum in Brum.

18 months on, she has learned some surprising things about being a second-time mum and has some great advice on encouraging a strong sibling bond. And in case you needed even more reason to visit her blog, check out her article on why mums need to let go of perfect.

Under the Green Fig Tree

Suzy is touchingly, self-deprecatingly honest and funny
Image: Under the Green Fig Tree

All mothers want to raise children with good manners, says Suzy, the elegant voice behind Under the Green Fig Tree. Her post about teaching your children the power of a sincerely delivered thank you is a wonderful reminder that thanking our own children is every bit as important as demanding good manners from them.

Honest, thought-provoking and intelligent, Suzy’s blog makes you want to settle down at her kitchen table with a cup of tea and ask her advice on everything you feel like you’re doing wrong. Read her tips on how to create a happy mother daughter relationship, find out why taking the occasional weekend away from family-life is so important, and chuckle as you read her ideas for coping with the dreaded MLC (mid-life crisis)…

Brummy Mummy of 2

Em combines wit and wisdom on her blog, Brummy Mummy of 2
Image: Brummy Mummy of 2

For a funny, irreverent look at life as a mum, you’d be hard pushed to beat Brummy Mummy of 2. Blogger Em manages to combine wit and wisdom in posts like how not to kill each other when you have kids and birthday parties - the dream versus reality.

And her summing up of your child’s first year at school is spot on: “You will have the MOST magical year when your child is in reception. You will see nativities and cry, there will be that one day they claim everyone hates them and you will want to kill the whole class, but then within 24 hours it’s fine… Enjoy the ride… but most importantly… don’t forget the nit lotion. Right?!

We hope you’ve enjoyed this selection of mum blogs. Do you have any favourites that you’d like to share? Pop over to our Facebook page if you’ve got some bookmarked blogs we should add to our list.

Lead image: Myroslava Malovana

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